Friday, February 18, 2011

Cellllllllllebration Time, COME ON!

Okay, so yesterday was my sister's birthday and needless to say, everything I did went against my weight loss efforts. Dinner at an italian restaurant, where I ate chicken parmigiana with spaghetti noodles & tomato sauce, had a 24 oz Cabernet Cosmo, then to her house where I had more drinks (orange grey goose with lemon-lime soda) which led to being on the verge of intoxicated which, of course, led to another meal....late night pickup from McDonald's....UGGGHHHH!


  1. This is my lament Sam!My social life enjoying family and friends jnvolves drinking and eating...It was so hard for me to do a month of Sundays,road to the Superbowl with my friends. Someone is always giving something doing something...and i know you understand cause your life (in that way) is mine to the 10th power!Finding a healthy happy medium is hard but you have to find it . Throw a search party for it! LOL!I'm finding this health and wellness way of living is really about your lifestyle...and it's definitely challenging but not impossible!
