Monday, December 30, 2013

It's a Beyonce World!

I hear Bey's new album has got a few people's granny panties in a bunch. HMPH! Yes, some of her lyrics are raunchy, videos damn near soft porn but GUESS WHAT? Beyonce Giselle Knowles is a groooowwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn woman! Not only that, she's a young, sexy, married and madly-in-love grown woman. She's singing these songs to/about her husband and I am feeling every hum, growl and yeeeeeessssssssuuuuuhhhhhh! It seems, people think she has 'changed,' been 'turned out' or greatly influenced by her husband, rapper Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter but I beg to differ.

Beyonce was a young girl when she hit the music scene, so of course her music was tame. She came out in a group and did things a certain way. Eventually, she became a solo artist and started doing things a bit differently. Over the years, she has grown and shown the world different sides of herself. She grew up, she branched out, she matured, built up her self-confidence and became a woman. Although a part of her has always been a bit on the shy side, demonstrated by nervous laughter, smiles and girlish tone of voice; another part of her has always been bold and wild, demonstrated by her stage presence/performance, earlier videos and song lyrics. She has always been sensual and even sexual in her music and performances. It's just that, this time, she added a huge dose of raunch to it.... and the haters critics went wild! "Beyoncé is trying too hard! Beyoncé is trying to be hard! Jay-Z turned Beyoncé out! Bey is competing with Rhi! Why she gotta be so nasty! She's a mother, how dare she?! What does her mother think?! What will her father say?! Who does she think she is! Beyoncé has degraded herself.....she's no longer a lady....she has no class....blah blah and blahflippinblah!" Since when does becoming a parent render you sex-less? No fun? Boring? Plain? Vanilla? Why isn't she allowed to grow up, blossom, explore, experience and enjoy life on the next level? Chile please! But let me shut up.....Beyoncé can tell it best.......take a look/listen

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