Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today is my granddaughter's first birthday.............HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHAR ST*R!

one of many gran'divalicious photos from her
First Birthday Photo Shoot....

......and though she has no idea of how special this day is, her parents and family are excited about it. So excited that her soon-to-be step-grandma set up a special birthday photo shoot, complete with custom-made outfits, props and a special-ordered birthday cake.  I wasn't surprised that A'shari would be taking birthday pictures because her parents have taken her to get photos taken for every month of her life.  So, this month would be no different.  And what a photo shoot it was!  I'm not permitted to post too many of the exclusive photos so I have these few on this post and I may post a few more later.  Anyway, I thought I would be spending this day with my gran'diva, getting in some quality G'ammi time, but her parents have hijacked my plans and are taking Lil' Miss A'shari out on the town.  Sooooooooooo, I guess I'll see her when she gets home.

Birthday photo-shoot cake.....

In the meantime, a big birthday bash is planned for this weekend and....I dread it.  It's not that I don't want to celebrate my grandbaby and her first year of life.  I just think it's such a waste of money for parents to spend a lot of money and put in so much effort for a baby's 1st birthday.  I mean, the kid has no idea it's their birthday and more than likely, will feel more aggravated than celebrated by all of the people who are sure to be in their faces for hours on end.  Then, you factor in all the noise, the 'scary' characters that people sometimes hire and it's really just a recipe for Baby Meltdown.  I understand parents want to go all out for their little one and show everyone how special their kid is but.....Baby's First Birthday Bash......really?

Don't get me wrong, my daughter certainly had a first birthday party but I believe we celebrated it at McDonald's...or maybe it was at the house.  See?  I can't even remember it so I know she damn sure doesn't.  Anyway, I tried to convince my daughter to 'dare to be different' and keep it simple: hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, chips and cake at the house with close relatives and friends. All the money that will be spent on a party can be used for more important things like, my daughter's college tuition, baby's necessities or baby's savings account.  Start a new family tradition for celebrating birthdays: memorable experiences that include travel, culture and character-building. But, noooooooooooooooo, she wouldn't hear of it.  A'shari has to have a big party and invite every person she knows. That's it and that's all.  So, this weekend we'll be celebrating the gran'diva's first year of life in the way of A Berry Big Birthday Bash with Strawberry Shortcake themed everything; complete with a professional photo set up, custom-made birthday cake and personalized games.  I'm sure it's gonna be great fun, with lots of good food, people, music (yes, the girl is even gonna have a DJ playing strawberry shortcake-themed music) and many great moments to cherish. 

Too bad the birthday girl won't remember any of it.  SMH



  1. G'ammi should start scrapbooking so these memories will last a lifetime. Dont make it too overwhelming - sometimes they have pre-made pages and you just attach a few precious photos. The journaling is what makes it special. Later in life, in your handwriting, she will relive everything that made the day special: who was there, where it was, why Strawberry Shortcake. Happy 1st birthday A'shari!

  2. Thanks Cindy! I would love to start scrapbooking....made plans to do so for my daughter but here she is, a full-grown adult and I have yet to do it. I had big plans to do it for A'shari's first year, but, never got around to it. Hopefully, I can find the time and energy to start one for the gran'diva real soon. I am sure she will get a kick out of it (and maybe wanna swing a kick or two her parents' way....haha) later on in life.
