Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Since my last post, I made a decision to begin the process for weight-loss surgery ('WLS').  I've tried all kinds of diets and I've tried to manage this myself.  Nothing has worked.  So I put down my pride and picked up some information regarding 'WLS.'  There are many options available.....gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, gastric banding and more.  The decision is mostly up to the patient but there are recommended procedures for people of a certain weight and/or health condition.  Although I've yet to get my recommendation from the doctor, I've decided I want the Lap-Band surgery.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, the short of it is: a surgical band is placed around the opening of the stomach to make the opening and the stomach itself much smaller than normal size.  This restricts the amount of food that can pass through and be held in the stomach. After surgery, the stomach is said to hold (approximately) the equivalent of 2 oz. of food.  TWO OUNCES Y'ALL!  However, the band can be adjusted to make the opening bigger or smaller, according to weight-loss goals and health needs. Click on this link to learn more -   http://www.lapband.com/en/learn_about_lapband/device_how_it_works/

Before one can be scheduled for surgery, there are a series of medical and psychological evaluations to undertake.  You cannot have the surgery if it will likely endanger your life or you aren't mentally ready.  No doctor is going to do the surgery 'just so your boyfriend won't leave you' or 'to help you snag a woman.'  The pre-surgery process usually takes anywhere between 3 - 6 mos but can take much longer, depending on your specific medical history and how well you follow instructions. Since my official start on August 9, I've taken 4 of my 17 required steps.  I would like to be able to schedule surgery for late January but, at the rate I'm going (verrrryyyy slowwww), I don't know if it's gonna happen then......if it happens at all.  'What do you mean, if it happens at all?!'  you're probably wondering.

Well, during the orientation phase, we learned about the different WLS options available, amongst other things like healthy eating and exercising.  We were also told (more than a few times) that the goal isn't to get  surgery.  Instead, the goal is to teach one how to take control of their health; recognize what went wrong and make choices to make things right.....without surgery.  However, it is also acknowledged that, if it was just that simple, there would be no need for the orientation or the surgery.  That being said, I'm hoping fooling myself into thinking   that I can finally get a hold of things and do this on my own so I won't need the surgery. HA! Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

In the meantime, in sticking with the plan (within the next 6 weeks), I need to schedule appointments for my Sleep Apnea evaluation review, with the Nutritionist & Dietician and my primary care doctor.  Hell, I'm gonna lose 25 lbs just from the change I'll have to dish out in co-pays.........Oh My!


  1. Good Luck BFly I am routing for you. I know you can do it! Just make sure to research, research, research! I know different people that have gone through the various WLS and some got the desired results and some did not. Also I know people who went thru one of these procedures and gained all their weight back plus some...I don't tell you these things to discourage rather to info you of how important research is as you weigh (no pun intended) your options. Make sure your mind is ready as this is a mental and physical journey. If you cannot mentally commit then the surgery could be all in vain.

    I wish you nothing but the best...I am thinking about you and praying for you as you are on this journey!

  2. ok ok Sam, I know that you have been thinking about this for along time so I know you must be mentally ready. I know you just didn't see it and say "I wanna do that!" I know it's been a process...If you have a misstep ,it's ok. It will happen. "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it's the quiet voice, at the end of the day that says,I will try again tomorrow."MBR- This takes courage and you're one of the bravest sistas I know!You really want this, to be healthy, to see your "Tushy Tush" baby girl grow up,to be able to celebrate many birthdays for years to come...We have to fight our genetic BS and do something different,to quote Whitney, "You were not built to break!" You WILL be on the SUCCESS side of the WLS stories,,,a testimony...sho nuff...

  3. Thanks for your comments and support, Sani and Mia.

    Sani, I've been researching for so long....years, in fact. At one of my appointments, the doc said, 'So are you really gonna do it this time? You were here back in 2004. You started then you never came back.' I laughed and told him, yes I am gonna do it this time....if I have to. He chuckled at that and gave me a look, as if to say, 'Girl, you betta stop playing.' I assured him that I am going to stick with it this time...my mind is made up. I am aware of the pros and cons, the success stories as well as the 'failures' and I am so determined NOT to be a failure.

    Mia, absolutely. I'm getting older and I'm starting to feel it. Not in an 'old lady, need some Icy Hot and a cane' kind of way but in a way that my body needs more attention, more tender-loving self-care. Not to mention, I know I am 'favored' in a way that I absolutely cannot botch this thing up because I have to be a living, walking, breathing, teaching example of what it is to take control of my own life and be different.
